Turn Your Closet Into A Boutique

Now that you’ve been inspired to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary, let’s move on to your closet!  Going into a dim, disorganized, over-crowded closet on a daily basis can make selecting an outfit stressful and exhausting.  It’s time to purge what you don’t need or wear and re-establish your style.  As you organize your clothes and accessories, put like things together.  Have sections for business attire, weekend-wear, fitness, jackets, etc.  Think about how you can best “shop” for the perfect outfit in your very own closet!

207306389067198838_IEYrNvHX_cSelecting clothes should be an effortless and even enjoyable experience.  For Monday’s work meeting you will be able to pull together an outfit quickly from one section of your closet.  The next step is to choose shoes, a handbag and accessories.  The best way to make these selections with ease is to see all of your choices.  Shoes should be displayed like a store, so you can “shop” for the perfect pair.  Set out handbags on a shelf, scarves and belts on hooks and jewelry can be laid out in drawers.

Excellent lighting, a full-length mirror and a spot to sit will complete the space.  A closet that is designed like a boutique will make getting dressed a joy every day!  Now who’s ready to go shop?

I found this picture on houzz.com.  A great resource for all home design inspiration.

A Resolution Worth Keeping

Ringing in the New Year is often accompanied by a few resolutions.  Well, we’ve got an excellent one to add to your list:  Make a sanctuary in your home.  We recommend your bedroom.  We all spend at least 1/3 of our lives in the bedroom so let’s make it special!  Your bedroom should be the one room in your home where you can retreat and be completely at ease.


While creating this new retreat, your bedroom should reflect your personal style.  Your space can be cozy, romantic, sophisticated or rustic.  No matter your style, it should be minimalistic.  Think hotel-living.  This should be a space that evokes peace and calm, no piles or projects.  We want you to be able to rest and relax!

Accomplish your style through new bedding and pillows.  Add meaningful artwork.  Select a few interesting accessories like photo frames or bud vases for fresh flowers.  And don’t forget lighting…a new chandelier or the perfect bedside table lamps will really highlight your space.  Making these few changes will definitely give you an amazing sanctuary.  Now that’s one resolution worth keeping.

Enjoy 2013 in your new bedroom retreat!

For more bedroom inspiration, checkout my Pinterest Board at http://pinterest.com/intbydesign5/beautiful-bedrooms/