What Is A Vignette?

And No, it’s not something you put on salad… A vignette is just a fancy term for what I like to call a “Moment”. I’m sure that really clears things up! As I walk through a client’s house I’m always quick to say “I love this moment you’ve created here” as I wave my hand over some table or mantle or chair. They typically look very confused. I assure them it’s a compliment.

A vignette is a variety of items placed together to create a focal point or an area of visual interest. The items are different in nature and size and scale and texture and purpose. But when put together in a grouping they compliment each other to create an interesting visual moment. There’s that word again…

If you’re interested in creating a vignette in your own space, check out this article with the ABC’s of how to pull it off.

A Healthy Lifestyle

The #1 resolution at the beginning of a New Year is always health related. I want to eat better, lose a few pounds, workout more, etc.  The question is: How will I set myself up for success? Personally, I’d like to hire a nutritionist, a chef, a trainer and a house-keeper as long as we’re dreaming!

Being a realist, I’d say let’s start with the resolution that will have the best impact…exercising. If we can get exercise into our daily/weekly life, then we will also mentally feel better. And that will encourage us to eat a more healthy diet. Soon we’ll be feeling so good that the motivation to maintain this healthier lifestyle will come much more easily. Once we have a new way of living our New Year Resolutions can modify to something really fun…like traveling more!

Now that you’re ready to workout regularly,  set-up a space in your home dedicated to exercising. This article is great for thinking through what your home gym should look like based on how you enjoy working out. Give yourself room to move around, mirrors, plenty of light and a view, TV or stereo to keep yourself entertained.


Appearing Bigger is always Better

Quite often a challenge arises when a room is much smaller than the client’s vision for the space. A client sees enough comfortable seating for visiting family and friends while a designer sees all the physical parameters including window walls, a fireplace, 2 doorways entering the room, etc.  This is where the right furniture and finishes make a huge difference in helping a room feel larger than it is.

Designers use lots of “tricks” to achieve certain goals within a space. This article gives some great suggestions to keep in mind if you’ve got a tight space you’re working with.

Along with painting ceilings Bright White, I use #5 and #10 regularly. These are some of my best kept secrets!


Turn Your Closet Into A Boutique

Now that you’ve been inspired to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary, let’s move on to your closet!  Going into a dim, disorganized, over-crowded closet on a daily basis can make selecting an outfit stressful and exhausting.  It’s time to purge what you don’t need or wear and re-establish your style.  As you organize your clothes and accessories, put like things together.  Have sections for business attire, weekend-wear, fitness, jackets, etc.  Think about how you can best “shop” for the perfect outfit in your very own closet!

207306389067198838_IEYrNvHX_cSelecting clothes should be an effortless and even enjoyable experience.  For Monday’s work meeting you will be able to pull together an outfit quickly from one section of your closet.  The next step is to choose shoes, a handbag and accessories.  The best way to make these selections with ease is to see all of your choices.  Shoes should be displayed like a store, so you can “shop” for the perfect pair.  Set out handbags on a shelf, scarves and belts on hooks and jewelry can be laid out in drawers.

Excellent lighting, a full-length mirror and a spot to sit will complete the space.  A closet that is designed like a boutique will make getting dressed a joy every day!  Now who’s ready to go shop?

I found this picture on houzz.com.  A great resource for all home design inspiration.